Commissioned by one of the biggest ngo’s in nature conservation in the Netherlands, Natuurmonumenten, I photographed farmers and tenants and their collaboration with Natuurmonumenten in nature-inclusive agriculture.
Below you will find short introductions per article and the links to the relevant articles on the website of Natuurmonumenten.

Frisian farmer Rodenhuis ‘Always and everywhere thinking of meadow birds’
In everything he does, farmer Tjalling takes into account black-tailed godwits, lapwings, redshanks and other meadow birds. For a safe breeding ground on its green grasslands.
Photography: Martin van Lokven
Text: Angelique Aerts, Natuurmonumenten
Click HERE for the article on the website of Natuurmonumenten.

Brabant farmer Peter van Broek ‘Nature-inclusive is actually so logical’
Farmer Peter van den Broek decided to take more account of nature.
Photography: Martin van Lokven
Text: Monica Wesseling
Click HERE for the article on the website of Natuurmonumenten.

Do your shopping at the farmer in the IJsselvallei
Get your groceries at the farms with an eye and heart for more biodiversity. And thus support farmers, nature and landscape in your area.
Photography: Natuurmonumenten
Click HERE for the article on the website of Natuurmonumenten.

Collaboration between Natuurmonumenten and farmers pays off in Dal van de Ruiten Aa
Three farmers who help each other share knowledge and collaborate with Natuurmonumenten. “In the way we want to interact with nature”.
Photography: Martin van Lokven
Text: Eefje Nuijten, Natuurmonumenten
Click HERE for the article on the website of Natuurmonumenten.

Nature-friendly farming in the IJsselvallei
More biodiversity in the countryside, fairly produced regional food and healthy business operations. The IJssel valley and the originally small-scale landscape with enclosed fields, wet grass and hay meadows, forest and heath are inextricably linked.
Photography: Martin van Lokven
Text: Natuurmonumenten
Click HERE for the article on the website of Natuurmonumenten.

Farmer Hans Nieuwenburg wins Delta Plan Livestock Farming Award
The jury: “It is a good example of building a small-scale, extensive livestock farm including sales based on good networks in your immediate environment”.
Photography: Martin van Lokven
Text: Marie Jeanne Douven, Natuurmonumenten
Click HERE for the article on the website of Natuurmonumenten.