Tree in silhouet on Kootwijkerzand


Saturday March 22, 2025 - € 95

This workshop focuses on landscape, fly pine, rough maidenhair and other details in the landscape. Landscape photography from the wide drifting sand to a little macro world. The aperture, shutter speed, exposure and depth of field are discussed. But more important than these technical matters are composition, perspective and point of view. We pay close attention to the rule of thirds. We will learn to look like a photographer, with an eye for overviews and details!

The 700 ha Kootwijkerzand is the largest drifting sand area in Europe. This means that the sand is still really drifting. In strong winds, the loose sand blows away in certain places, and then comes back down a bit further on. As a result, the terrain changes shape again and again. Here you can imagine yourself in the Sahara, Namibia or Death Valley. In summer it can also reach almost 40 degrees Celsius on the Kootwijkerzand, while it can cool down strongly at night.
Fauna and flora of the Kootwijkerzand are also special. There are rare lichens, red deer regularly cross the sand and from spring you can see sand pipits, sand lizard and lesser heather here. Characteristic are the capriciously shaped flying pines, named after the winged seed that spontaneously blown in. They are often more than a century old.

You will be welcomed from 14:15 with coffee, tea and cake. After a short introduction we get to work. We do not cover a great distance. The workshop ends around 18:30 PM.

This is a one hundred percent practical workshop. We are going to photograph. During the workshop I will give you tips and instructions and help you with settings such as aperture, shutter speed, autofocus, white balance, as well as with position, perspective and composition. You will learn about exposure, depth of field, backlight, rule of thirds and much more.
Of course we are going to take beautiful photos, but the aim is to provide you with tools to take better photos. When your technical skills improve you will have more control over your photo equipment.

This workshop is intended for beginning as well as more advanced photographers. Because of the small group, I can give you a lot of attention.

Coffee, tea and cake before the start of the workshop.

If you want to know more about his workshop, please MAIL me and I will send you a pdf with more information.
I will also email you this pdf after you register.

Book and pay via my workshop website WWW.WORKSHOPNATUURFOTOGRAFIE.NL.

Sand patterns on the Kootwijkerzand


Date: Saturday, March 22 2025
Time: 14:30 - 18:30 hour (4 hours)
Location: Kootwijkerzand
Minimum group size: 5
Maximum group size: 8
Fee: € 95

Gebruik van de regel van derden op sporen in het zand en buntgras


Coffee, tea and cake before the workshop

Creative impression of a pine tree during a workshop nature photography on the Kootwijkerzand.


Camera and lenses
If you have a macro lens, take it with you
If you have a tripod, take it with you
Full batteries and enough memory-cards
Clothes that can get dirty
Garbage bag for sitting and / or lying on